Saturday, May 23, 2020
Reflection Paper About Nutrition - 1446 Words
After being in this class, Nutrition means a lot to me now than it had before. Nutrition to me means eating healthy in order to get all the proper vitamins/minerals and nutrients needed in order to stay healthy. It also means to eat healthy and choose the right foods in order to avoid chronic diseases. A diet that I have always followed during my lifetime is that I am a vegetarian. I do not eat meat, chicken, or any seafood. This means that I do occasionally eat other cultural foods like different types of Indian food. In my diet, I have strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are that I am in the right levels in fats and cholesterol. But my weaknesses are that I am under in many of the vitamins and also minerals or some key nutrients†¦show more content†¦I should also limit salt that is not needed in my body. I should read food labels that show that sodium is high in the foods that I consume. Sodium consumption should be less then 2300 mg a day. For this, reading food labels and trying to avoids foods with high levels of sodium is the best way to fix this problem. I also noticed that I am under in many of my vitamins and minerals. To fix this problem, I need to also eat more foods that contain more vitamins and minerals. Later on, I’ll discuss the vitamins and minerals that I am lacking and the foods that I can substitute or add into my diet to improve this problem. Another problem, I have is that I am under in all my foods groups. This means that I need to start consuming more vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, dairy and oils into my diet. So, some general modifications that I can make in my food record to make my 3-day record are that for the first day, I can add fruits into my breakfast meal and add more whole grain whole wheat bread slices with 2% reduced fat milk rather than whole milk. I can also add more veggies into my sandwich and add healthy oils into it in order to get healthier fats into my diet. Also, other modifications I can ma ke in my day one of the food record is adding veggies into my homemade pasta, veggies like peas or broccoli. I can also add a healthier snack into my diet like a fruit or even nuts. On my day two of the food record, I can eat whole grain wholeShow MoreRelatedPhysical And Cognitive Values Of The Aging Process Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesLife Review In this paper, aging will be analyzed and evaluated by many topics that are involved in the aging process. J.S. is an elderly woman with information and insight about the aging process as she explains her own life experiences. The topics to be discussed are biological information, biological theory, sociological theory, risk factors, interventions, communication techniques, and self-reflection. The analysis and evaluation of J.S.’s aging process will explore the physical and cognitiveRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity1515 Words  | 7 Pagesbecome a part of a daily routine for at least 30 minutes. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
The Effects Of Technology On Human Health - 2030 Words
Le Tran Professor: M. Scott Carter English1213 MC03F 9 December, 2015 Negative Effects of Technology on Human Health In recent years, technology has been on a continuous rise. It has become an integral part of the lives of countless individuals. From laptops to mobile phones, various devices have their daily use in the daily affairs of people, whether the average citizen or famous personalities. For the most part, technology has its benefits. Students now have easy and quick access to multiple sources of information within the click of a button or the touch of a screen regardless of location. Friends and family may now communicate across vast distances in real time. Also, people may use their mobile devices to entertain themselves, especially in terms of watching videos on demand and playing virtual games. There are many other examples. However, technology also has its disadvantages. In sum, technology has the potential to cause negative effects on human health. Unless properly addressed, many people are at risk of experiencing negative health consequences due to the constant use of many technological devices today. For example, they can cause sleep deprivation or people spent too much time for mobile instead of taking a rest. They can make limit posture while using them. In addition, people can make nearly-sight eyes, hurt in neck or back. The most important thing is the radiation from the modern technology devices that we do not really know exactly what disease it happenShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Overuse Of Technology On Human Health1253 Words  | 6 PagesEffects of overuse of Technology on Human Health Technology has become a major part of human activities today. People engage in different activities through the use of technology for communication, traveling, and different devices used in every career. Despite the fact that technology has eased the performance of different tasks, it has a detrimental effect on human health. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay Free Essays
Published in 1952. East of Eden is a fresh written by John Steinbeck. a Nobel victor ) . We will write a custom essay sample on East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It tells the narrative of the intertwined lives of two families- the Trasks and the Hamiltons amidst a background of California’s Salinas Valley ( Steinbeck. 2003 ) . The novel follows the narratives of these two American households from the Civil War to World War I ( 2003 ) . It is said that the novel. which was published 10 old ages before Steinbeck received a Novel. drew inspiration from the Bible and was dedicated to Steinbeck’s sons- Thom and John IV ( Pearson. 1995 ) . The rubric itself was culled from a Biblical poetry. picturing Cain as he set out in the land of Nod. E of Eden ( Genesis 4: 16 New International Version ) . Told in third-person point of position by a storyteller who sometimes offers notes. swings among characters’ vantage points and even suspends the narrative with snippings of human history. East of Eden tackles the cosmopolitan subject of good vs. immorality. the autumn of Adam and Eve and the acrimonious hostility of Abel and Cain. Dramatizing the social wickednesss of Salinas Valley and the single members of the Trask and Hamilton kins. the novel aims to decide the quandary on how evil may be overcome by pick. Crossing the period between the American Civil War and the terminal of the First World War. it dovetails the lives of two brothers- the soft Adam and the unsmooth Charles. Adam marries the intriguing Cathy who deceives him and ran off with Charles on the dark of their nuptials ( Steinbeck. 2003 ) . After giving birth to duplicate male childs. Aron and Cal. Cathy leaves her kids to Adam and returns to a life of orgy. The competition between the siblings reignites as they vie for their father’s attending and blessing ( 2003 ) . The narrative is beautiful and revolting as it unravels the cosmopolitan job adult male has to face: choose to be good or remain on the dark side. The tone is drab. philosophical and possibly even propitious. Showing how celebrated as a author should be. Steinbeck is able to make characters with assorted piques. contrasting them realistically as possible. polar antonyms as one may state. There is Adam. who may really good be the original of good purposes and Cathy. the intriguing cocotte whom Adam fell in love with. It is besides Adam who has been deceived the most. reminiscent of the treachery of the snake in the scriptural Eden. The novel is peppered with sunglassess of Cain and Abel. In the same vena. the torment of parental rejection. an issue touched with the narrative of the scriptural brothers. is once more explored in the novel. like the credence of Adam’s puppy gift and the rejection of Charles’ knife gift. reminiscent of Abel’s accepted gift and the rejection of Cain. Cyrus Trask favored Adam over Charles. for no distinguishable ground. Subsequently on. Adam repeats the rhythm with his ain boies. prefering Aron over Cal. Throughout the novel. the tenseness is tangible. giving the reader the proper stimulation to go on reading. It besides helps that the scene. Salinas Valley is really a existent topographic point. giving a matter-of-fact voice to the novel. The words used by Steinbeck are easy to read and understand. and is non loaded with so many symbols that would do the reader spend 98 % calculating out what the symbols stood for instead than allowing the words flow and hold oning its kernel. There are no flowery words. either. This is a good mark on the portion of Steinbeck. leting the readers to grok the effect without ensuing in a caput aching. The flow of the narrative is besides applaudable. particularly as it expands from 1860 to 1918. The incorporation of â€Å"timshel†is besides appropriate. strengthening the subject of good winning over evil. of human doing the power to make up one’s mind. East of Eden is grounded in pragmatism and the handling of good and evil may be simple but it speaks one cosmopolitan truth: that there is good and there is evil and that human existences are flawed. possibly influenced by their cistrons or shaped by fortunes. but they have the pick whether to follow that footfall and reiterate the error or do their ain waies and interrupt the rhythm. Mentions Pearson. P. ( 1995 ) . East of Eden. Retrieved February 17. 2009. from National Steinbeck Center Website: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Steinbeck. org. hypertext markup language Steinbeck. J. ( 2003 ) . East of Eden. New York: Penguin Books. How to cite East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay, Essay examples
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