Essay writing for university
Textual Analysis Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Organizational Theory and Design Questions Coursework
Authoritative Theory and Design Questions - Coursework Example 2. The top administration of the association is answerable for planning the hierarchical vision and unequivocally characterizing the reason by defining crucial. In any case, they go about as light bearers for the entire association by structuring a lot of periodical objectives to help the general motivation behind the association or vision. 3. The workers of an association are arranged into pecking orders that decide their levels of leadership, report authority and sets of expectations. What's more, authoritative structure characterizes who representatives errands and who reports them to whom. The structure can be vertical or flat. A vertical structure involves various degrees of the executives and revealing patterns that eases back the dynamic procedure. The flat pecking order is less formal and advances imagination and snappier dynamic. 4. Natural vulnerability is ascribed to changing monetary conditions and strategies, changes in the social patterns and the coming of troublesome innovations. The best effect is that of financial change as it impacts about each part of the authoritative working. The earth speaks to the environmental factors where the firm works in and henceforth the dependability of this condition is important for hierarchical advancement. 5. The business eco framework suggests that associations work in a joint effort with different organizations and worth chain individuals so as to build profitability and guarantee endurance. For instance vehicle makers join forces with different organizations like tire producers and sound system makers to think of a healthy vehicle that is well prepared. 6. Worldwide land structure is prudent when the association has the capacity to wander into different areas. Geological structure likewise underpins the item customization choices by allowing the nearby chiefs the chance to improve the item as per the need of the market. The nearby directors additionally give a superior comprehension of the area expanding
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Raising Low HDL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Raising Low HDL - Essay Example The neurotic picture in an atherosclerotic injury recommends amassing of LDL and its oxidation in the vascular subendothelial space, where monocytes from the course enter to start a provocative response that would lead in the long run to atheroma arrangement. Research has likewise shown that monocyte passage happens at the destinations of LDL peroxidation, recommending that oxidation is the reason for monocytes section. Research has likewise demonstrated that HDL apoA-I and apoA-I mimetic peptides have been appeared to forestall LDL oxidation. Also, HDL apoA-I and apoA-I mimetic peptides have been appeared to diminish atherosclerotic injuries and improve vascular reactivity in people. As to instrument of activity in delivering helpful impacts against atherogenesis, contemplates have proposed that HDL upgrades the converse cholesterol transport. Over its highest point, apoA-I is likewise fit for searching the seeding atoms from LDL, accordingly forestalling the LDL-determined phosphol ipid oxidation and the fiery reaction out of the side-effects. Along these lines, clinical administrations coordinated towards improving the HDL cholesterols in the body could bring about a helpful alternative of prophylactic potential in people who are inclined to atherosclerosis because of way of life reasons of elevated cholesterol and high triglycerides (Navab, M et al., 2004). Therefore, there are numerous restorative alternatives accessible to upgrade the HDL in people, and they are Fibrates, Niacin, and as of late Fish oils containing omega-3 unsaturated fats. Every one of them are suggested; nonetheless, given the volume of proof, it is exceptionally hard to make a rule for the patients. This work plans to fundamentally audit contemporary writing to think about the discoveries so a solitary operator can be picked dependent on proof so as to bring the HDL step up in blood. Fibrates: While statins are viewed as helpful foundations in dyslipidemia, they are inadequate in light of the fact that they have demonstrated adequacy in diminishing the plasma levels of LDL-C. In any case, they are bumbling is lessening the raised groupings of triglyceride rich lipoproteins, VLDL and VLDL leftovers, and they have negligible activities in expanding the low degrees of HDL-C that are defensive. Fibrates have been seen to lessen plasma levels of triglycerides by 30-half and normally increment levels of HDL-C by 5-15%, contingent upon lipid phenotype and standard focus. Fibrates may likewise diminish LDL-C conceivably by up to 15-20% in spite of the fact that the impact is variable, contingent upon the basic lipid variation from the norm and standard lipid phenotype (Chapman, MJ., 2006). This demonstrates people treated with Fibrates, levels of LDL would diminish when their plasma focuses are raised and HDL-C levels will increment when pattern plasma fixations are low. Besides, it proficiently decreases apoIII-C containing lipid particles which are recognized to be markers of expanded dangers for atherogenesis. The expanded HDL levels following Fibrates are commonly reflected by expanded plasma levels of apoA-I and apoA-II. The Fibrates demonstration by means of initiation of an atomic translation factor PPAR in vascular tissues that effectively utilize lipids. This can be utilized for both essential avoidance and auxiliary anticipation of atherosclerotic cardiovascular infection with evidently critical diminishing in the paces of
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Excoriation (Skin Picking) Disorder
Excoriation (Skin Picking) Disorder OCD Types Print An Overview of Excoriation (Skin Picking) Disorder By Marla Deibler, PsyD facebook twitter Marla W. Deibler, PsyD, MSCP, is a licensed clinical psychologist and nationally-recognized expert in anxiety disorders and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Marla Deibler, PsyD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on April 15, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on January 24, 2020 Science Photo Library / Getty Images More in OCD Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Living With OCD Related Conditions Excoriation or skin-picking disorder is a psychiatric disorder where a person has a compulsion to repeatedly pick their own skin. Excoriation disorder is considered a condition related to body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs). BFRBs are self-grooming behaviors where a person pulls, picks, scrapes, or bites their own hair, skin, or nails. The frequency and intensity of these behaviors can damage the body and may lead to conditions such as trichotillomania and onychophagia.?? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), classifies skin-picking disorders in the larger category of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. However, not all mental health and medical professionals agree that the disorder should be separate; rather, some assert that skin picking is usually a symptom of a mental health condition (such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD) or related to a skin condition like psoriasis that causes itching and discomfort.?? DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria To be diagnosed with excoriation disorder, all of the following criteria must be met?:Recurrent skin picking that results in skin lesionsRepeated attempts to stop the behaviorThe symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairmentThe symptoms are not caused by a substance or a medical or dermatological conditionThe symptoms are not better explained by another psychiatric disorder Symptoms Excoriation disorder is believed to affect between 1.4% to 5.4% of adults in the United States. Its more common in women than in men.?? Skin picking that meets diagnostic criteria for excoriation disorder far exceeds the normal washing and exfoliating on the continuum of self-grooming behaviors. The repeated picking, scraping, or gouging that occurs in excoriation disorder can last for hours and may cause infection, scarring, and disfigurement. The disorder is considered to be chronic and symptoms tend to wax and wane over time. People often pick at multiple body sites for extended periods. Both healthy and previously damaged areas of skin may be targeted. The primary site may change over time.?? For example, someone may begin picking the skin of their face (the most common site) then move on to their scalp, neck, or limbs. Most people use their fingers and fingernails to pick at their skin but some use sharp cosmetic tools such as needles and tweezers.?? Symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Causes Excoriation disorder often begins in adolescence and may initially be associated with acne (although pathological skin picking behavior can start at any age).?? It is likely that there is no single cause for the disorder, but rather, that is is the result of an interplay between genetic, biological, and environmental factors. Skin-picking disorders have also been associated with childhood trauma and abuse, developmental disabilities, and an impaired ability to regulate emotion and manage stress.?? Common triggers for skin picking reported by people with excoriation disorder include: An urge or physical tension, unpleasant emotions, cognitions (which may include permission-giving thoughts or beliefs about how the skin should look and feel)Skin sensations (from a bump, sore spot, etc.)A displeasing aspect of ones appearance (such as a visible blemish) After engaging in skin picking, people with the disorder usually feel relief as the urge is reduced. They may even find the behavior enjoyable. In fact, a key feature of the disorder that differentiates it from other compulsive disorders is that people with excoriation disorder often do find the act of picking their skin to be pleasurableâ€"whereas the compulsions of OCD are distressing and intrusive.?? Skin Picking and OCD However, they also experience the consequences of skin picking, such as: ScarringSkin infectionsDepression and anxietySocial avoidance and isolationReduced productivity (especially when skin picking sessions are prolonged) Excoriation disorder can have a significant effect on a persons life. A person who has been picking their skin may go to great lengths to cover or hide the damaged areas. Feelings of shame and embarrassment may cause them to completely avoid social situations and activities. When people with the disorder become isolated, they may even fail to seek medical care. Treatment Evidence-based treatment for excoriation disorder includes a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) called habit reversal training (HRT). Habit Reversal Training HRT aims to help people develop skills to reduce their harmful behaviors such as:Self-monitoring (awareness training)Identification of behavior triggersModifying the environment to decrease the likelihood of picking behavior (stimulus control)Identifying a substitution behavior that is incompatible with skin picking (competing for response training) Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) have also been shown to help some people with trichotillomania, a disorder similar to skin picking. Skin picking and other BFRBs are common symptoms of developmental disabilities and may also occur in people with autism.?? People in these groups sometimes have success wearing gloves or using behavioral interventions (such as sitting on their hands, for example) to curb skin picking. As of 2020, there is no FDA-approved pharmacological treatment for excoriation disorder. Some studies have suggested certain antidepressants called selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) might help some people with the disorder but the research is limited and results have been mixed. It may be that SSRIs are most helpful if someone also has depression or anxiety that is contributing to the skin picking behaviors.?? N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), an amino acid that affects brain levels of a neurotransmitter called glutamate, is also being explored as a potential treatment. When taken as a dietary supplement, NAC has shown some promise results for decreasing skin picking behavior in adult women.?? A Word From Verywell Excoriation disorder can significantly impact a persons life. The chronic, intense skin picking can lead to infections and scarring, which can contribute to feelings of shame and embarrassment about the condition. If you or a loved one has symptoms of a skin-picking disorder, know that a doctor or mental health professional can use specific criteria to diagnose the conditionâ€"which is the first step to getting treated. OCD-related disorders can often be managed using a combination of methods, such as therapy, medication, mindfulness, and behavior modification. People with excoriation disorder or other OCD-related conditions may find support groups to be beneficial, especially when they are first learning to live with the condition and are exploring treatment options. What Are Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Reflection Paper About Nutrition - 1446 Words
After being in this class, Nutrition means a lot to me now than it had before. Nutrition to me means eating healthy in order to get all the proper vitamins/minerals and nutrients needed in order to stay healthy. It also means to eat healthy and choose the right foods in order to avoid chronic diseases. A diet that I have always followed during my lifetime is that I am a vegetarian. I do not eat meat, chicken, or any seafood. This means that I do occasionally eat other cultural foods like different types of Indian food. In my diet, I have strengths and weaknesses. My strengths are that I am in the right levels in fats and cholesterol. But my weaknesses are that I am under in many of the vitamins and also minerals or some key nutrients†¦show more content†¦I should also limit salt that is not needed in my body. I should read food labels that show that sodium is high in the foods that I consume. Sodium consumption should be less then 2300 mg a day. For this, reading food labels and trying to avoids foods with high levels of sodium is the best way to fix this problem. I also noticed that I am under in many of my vitamins and minerals. To fix this problem, I need to also eat more foods that contain more vitamins and minerals. Later on, I’ll discuss the vitamins and minerals that I am lacking and the foods that I can substitute or add into my diet to improve this problem. Another problem, I have is that I am under in all my foods groups. This means that I need to start consuming more vegetables, fruits, grains, proteins, dairy and oils into my diet. So, some general modifications that I can make in my food record to make my 3-day record are that for the first day, I can add fruits into my breakfast meal and add more whole grain whole wheat bread slices with 2% reduced fat milk rather than whole milk. I can also add more veggies into my sandwich and add healthy oils into it in order to get healthier fats into my diet. Also, other modifications I can ma ke in my day one of the food record is adding veggies into my homemade pasta, veggies like peas or broccoli. I can also add a healthier snack into my diet like a fruit or even nuts. On my day two of the food record, I can eat whole grain wholeShow MoreRelatedPhysical And Cognitive Values Of The Aging Process Essay1356 Words  | 6 PagesLife Review In this paper, aging will be analyzed and evaluated by many topics that are involved in the aging process. J.S. is an elderly woman with information and insight about the aging process as she explains her own life experiences. The topics to be discussed are biological information, biological theory, sociological theory, risk factors, interventions, communication techniques, and self-reflection. The analysis and evaluation of J.S.’s aging process will explore the physical and cognitiveRead MoreChildhood Obesity : Obesity And Obesity1515 Words  | 7 Pagesbecome a part of a daily routine for at least 30 minutes. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
The Effects Of Technology On Human Health - 2030 Words
Le Tran Professor: M. Scott Carter English1213 MC03F 9 December, 2015 Negative Effects of Technology on Human Health In recent years, technology has been on a continuous rise. It has become an integral part of the lives of countless individuals. From laptops to mobile phones, various devices have their daily use in the daily affairs of people, whether the average citizen or famous personalities. For the most part, technology has its benefits. Students now have easy and quick access to multiple sources of information within the click of a button or the touch of a screen regardless of location. Friends and family may now communicate across vast distances in real time. Also, people may use their mobile devices to entertain themselves, especially in terms of watching videos on demand and playing virtual games. There are many other examples. However, technology also has its disadvantages. In sum, technology has the potential to cause negative effects on human health. Unless properly addressed, many people are at risk of experiencing negative health consequences due to the constant use of many technological devices today. For example, they can cause sleep deprivation or people spent too much time for mobile instead of taking a rest. They can make limit posture while using them. In addition, people can make nearly-sight eyes, hurt in neck or back. The most important thing is the radiation from the modern technology devices that we do not really know exactly what disease it happenShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Overuse Of Technology On Human Health1253 Words  | 6 PagesEffects of overuse of Technology on Human Health Technology has become a major part of human activities today. People engage in different activities through the use of technology for communication, traveling, and different devices used in every career. Despite the fact that technology has eased the performance of different tasks, it has a detrimental effect on human health. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay Free Essays
Published in 1952. East of Eden is a fresh written by John Steinbeck. a Nobel victor ) . We will write a custom essay sample on East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It tells the narrative of the intertwined lives of two families- the Trasks and the Hamiltons amidst a background of California’s Salinas Valley ( Steinbeck. 2003 ) . The novel follows the narratives of these two American households from the Civil War to World War I ( 2003 ) . It is said that the novel. which was published 10 old ages before Steinbeck received a Novel. drew inspiration from the Bible and was dedicated to Steinbeck’s sons- Thom and John IV ( Pearson. 1995 ) . The rubric itself was culled from a Biblical poetry. picturing Cain as he set out in the land of Nod. E of Eden ( Genesis 4: 16 New International Version ) . Told in third-person point of position by a storyteller who sometimes offers notes. swings among characters’ vantage points and even suspends the narrative with snippings of human history. East of Eden tackles the cosmopolitan subject of good vs. immorality. the autumn of Adam and Eve and the acrimonious hostility of Abel and Cain. Dramatizing the social wickednesss of Salinas Valley and the single members of the Trask and Hamilton kins. the novel aims to decide the quandary on how evil may be overcome by pick. Crossing the period between the American Civil War and the terminal of the First World War. it dovetails the lives of two brothers- the soft Adam and the unsmooth Charles. Adam marries the intriguing Cathy who deceives him and ran off with Charles on the dark of their nuptials ( Steinbeck. 2003 ) . After giving birth to duplicate male childs. Aron and Cal. Cathy leaves her kids to Adam and returns to a life of orgy. The competition between the siblings reignites as they vie for their father’s attending and blessing ( 2003 ) . The narrative is beautiful and revolting as it unravels the cosmopolitan job adult male has to face: choose to be good or remain on the dark side. The tone is drab. philosophical and possibly even propitious. Showing how celebrated as a author should be. Steinbeck is able to make characters with assorted piques. contrasting them realistically as possible. polar antonyms as one may state. There is Adam. who may really good be the original of good purposes and Cathy. the intriguing cocotte whom Adam fell in love with. It is besides Adam who has been deceived the most. reminiscent of the treachery of the snake in the scriptural Eden. The novel is peppered with sunglassess of Cain and Abel. In the same vena. the torment of parental rejection. an issue touched with the narrative of the scriptural brothers. is once more explored in the novel. like the credence of Adam’s puppy gift and the rejection of Charles’ knife gift. reminiscent of Abel’s accepted gift and the rejection of Cain. Cyrus Trask favored Adam over Charles. for no distinguishable ground. Subsequently on. Adam repeats the rhythm with his ain boies. prefering Aron over Cal. Throughout the novel. the tenseness is tangible. giving the reader the proper stimulation to go on reading. It besides helps that the scene. Salinas Valley is really a existent topographic point. giving a matter-of-fact voice to the novel. The words used by Steinbeck are easy to read and understand. and is non loaded with so many symbols that would do the reader spend 98 % calculating out what the symbols stood for instead than allowing the words flow and hold oning its kernel. There are no flowery words. either. This is a good mark on the portion of Steinbeck. leting the readers to grok the effect without ensuing in a caput aching. The flow of the narrative is besides applaudable. particularly as it expands from 1860 to 1918. The incorporation of â€Å"timshel†is besides appropriate. strengthening the subject of good winning over evil. of human doing the power to make up one’s mind. East of Eden is grounded in pragmatism and the handling of good and evil may be simple but it speaks one cosmopolitan truth: that there is good and there is evil and that human existences are flawed. possibly influenced by their cistrons or shaped by fortunes. but they have the pick whether to follow that footfall and reiterate the error or do their ain waies and interrupt the rhythm. Mentions Pearson. P. ( 1995 ) . East of Eden. Retrieved February 17. 2009. from National Steinbeck Center Website: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Steinbeck. org. hypertext markup language Steinbeck. J. ( 2003 ) . East of Eden. New York: Penguin Books. How to cite East of Eden by John Steinbeck Essay, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The sustainable tourism in New Zealand
Identification of the main points of the literature review The current paper explores the issues of sustainable tourism with special reference to New Zealand. Specifically, the paper examines the existing correlation between sustainable tourism in this country and the Resource Management Act.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The sustainable tourism in New Zealand specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The paper begins with the traditional requirements for tourism planning which include a physical-spatial approach, boosterism, a community-oriented approach, and an economic-industry approach (Page Thorn, 1997). It then narrows down to sustainable tourism planning as the fifth and more recent approach. This choice has been necessitated by its impact on the environment and economic development, long-term concern for resources, and a desire to fulfil both the current and future needs. Nonetheless, certain conditions must al so be fulfilled before the tourism planning approach can be achieved. They include industry co-ordination, co-operation, non-sustainable options, consumer awareness regarding the issue of sustainability, commitment to the sustainable goals, and strategic planning. The existence of sustainable tourism hinges on the ability of the tourism industry to embrace growth and development, along with varying levels of tourist at specific locations. This calls for proper planning. The paper argues that tourism development should be a concern for both the public and the private sectors New Zealand is both a local as well as an international tourist destination and as such, the government is concerned about tourism growth because of its potential to generate foreign exchange. The government therefore plays an active role in the sector, through the Resource Management Act (Page Thorn, 1997). This is a body charged with the responsibility of enacting legislation regarding land planning laws with regard to tourism. In this case, emphasis is on pollution, soil management, and waste disposal. However, New Zealand has failed to achieve sustainable tourism alternatives both at the local and regional level because there is a lacking national strategy or policy to guide the principles documented by the Resource Management Act.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Research methods The study made use of a survey to examine the issue of tourism sustainability both at the local and the regional level. The research methodology for the research study was designed to explore the level to which tourism acted as a fundamental activity in as far as the planning process is concerned, not to mention its function with regard to the Resource Management Act (Page Thorn, 1997). The survey was quite descriptive in nature. In this case, the main objective of the survey was to capture how coun cils plan their tourism activities as a foundation for further research. The survey questionnaire consisted of 21 specific questions, each of which had multiple responses. The survey respondents were the planning managers at both the regional and local authorities within New Zealand. Therefore, the survey questionnaire was posted to the respondents and in order to encourage the response the questionnaire include a pre-paid return envelope. The study realized 49 responses out of the 81 posted. Findings The study realised a 64% response rate. It is worth of note hat of the 36% who did not respond, 50 % of these consisted of city councils. The non respondents were made up of primary rural and primary urban councils. Out of the 14 city councils interviewed, only 7 respondents and out of 55 district councils interviewed, only 22 did not respond. The patterns of identifying tourism reduced with increase in resident population. The ability of the respondents to forecast on the anticipated volume of visitors within their localities was also low, at 12%. 50% of the respondents were optimistic that the 1999/2000 America’s Cup Defence and the Sydney 200 Olympics would have a positive impact on the industry (Page Thorn, 1997). 63% of the respondents lacked a specific policy to tackle the issue of tourism within their area. Although almost two-thirds of the councils had already implemented a visitor management strategy, many of them (65%) are yet to embrace it as a tourism strategy. The RMA legislation was met with resistance by a number of the council. In terms of development, a majority of these were attributed to the private sector (68%). Discussion Although tourism continues to enjoy social and economic importance in New Zealand, nonetheless the government has abandoned regional and local economies to grapple with the challenge of attending to future tourism development. The RMA has also not succeeded in establishing if indeed tourism needs to be constrained, d eterred, or expanded in certain areas (Page Thorn, 1997).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The sustainable tourism in New Zealand specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The domestic and international tourism may be enjoying economic and social benefits of tourism but owing to a lack of a national framework, these benefits cannot be spread out to larger localities. Critique Although the article argues that the New Zealand government recognised the need to strike a balance between the profit-oriented private sector and the public sector which is more concerned with the issue of economic optimisation, it is not clear yet why the Tourism Policy Group is both understaffed and underfunded, yet tourism remains a key employer in New Zealand. It is also ironical that the same body is also charged with the responsibility of stimulating local and regional tourism. However, the study has managed to capitalise on one of the weakne sses of prior research studies that have failed to examine the role played by such statutory bodies as the RMA with respect to both local and regional tourism sustainability. Nonetheless, the study is characterized by a number of discrepancies with regard to the respondents. For example, some of the councils responded on behalf of others and this not a reflection of the true findings of the study. The method of administering the questionnaires (postal survey) may also have played part in reducing the response rate. Also, there was no follow-up of those respondents who did not submit their survey questionnaire, leaving the researchers to guess as to the lack of their response. The questionnaire was also detailed and demanding (21 multiple response questionnaires) and this could have contributed to the lack of completion of the questionnaire by some of the respondents. Details on the volumes of domestic tourist are also very sketchy and yet the study intends to examine sustainable tou rism at the local and regional levels. Planers and decision makers rely on outdated data and this may perhaps explain the lack of a clear picture on domestic tourism. Generation of Question One of the questions that could be generated from the current study is; does the future look bright for sustainable tourism planning in New Zealand?Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference List Page, S. J., Thorn, K. J., 1997. Towards Sustainable Tourism Planning in New Zealand: Public Sector Planning Responses. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5(1). This essay on The sustainable tourism in New Zealand was written and submitted by user Thunderball to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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